Pauli-Ann Carriere

Studio 440 | Pauli-Ann Carriere Photography

Instagram | @pauli_ann

Much nature based photography is shot with a high degree of spontaneity. When the play of light on a scene evokes a visceral response too strong to ignore, or an isolated detail calls out to be recomposed and reimagined, I am drawn to image making.

This spontaneity may also extend to a technical choice such as the use of long exposure, motion blur, or multiple exposures. My intention is to capture a feeling – “see what I feel” – a sensation of energy, a mood, an impression of beauty, the exhilaration of movement.

Photography has always been a consistent running mate alongside Pauli-Ann Carriere’s career in business development and entrepreneur mentorship. After completing a B.BA from Simon Fraser University, Carriere embarked on extensive self-directed studies in photography and art. She went on to work in the film industry as a marketing strategist and photographer, shooting stills for documentaries, feature film, and television at home in Vancouver and abroad. In 2015, Carriere had the honour of creating food photography for the iconic cookbook author Noorbanu Nimji and author Karen Anderson for their award-winning collaboration A Spicy Touch: Family Favourites.

Carriere’s current photographic work includes nature-based fine art print making for private collections, narrative-based travel and food imagery for the blog Faces, Places, and Plates: A South India Road Trip (, and portraiture for the love of connection and collaboration.